Woman celebrates 108th birthday

Ginny Bergmann celebrated her 108th birthday at The Remington Club, an assisted living facility in Rancho Bernardo.

SAN DIEGO — A Rancho Bernardo woman is delighted to celebrate her 108th birthday – she shared a few tips for her longevity too.

Ginny Bergmann celebrated her 108th birthday at The Remington Club, an assisted living facility in Rancho Bernardo.
Bergmann was born in 1914 in New Jersey but settled down in Rancho Bernardo after moving around the world almost 17 times due to her husband’s career as an aeronautical engineer, according to her daughter, Nancy Bergmann.

Ginny Bergmann moved to Rancho Bernardo in 1986 with her daughter after the death of her husband in Australia.

“In her youth, she worked in New York City at her father’s design studio and was inspired by all around her, including the construction of the Empire State Building, window designs on Fifth Avenue, and Broadway theater,” Nancy Bergmann told CBS 8.

Ginny Bergmann developed a passion for art by designing fabric and wallpaper for children’s rooms and studied at the Parsons School of Design in New York City.

“To this day, she insists on putting her stamp of approval on every outfit and accessory,” Nancy Bergmann said.
And how did she survive 108 years? Ginny shared her secrets to longevity.
Always have something to look forward to

Be positive
Accept things as they are and adapt

Find the humor
Be thoughtful and think of others before yourself
Eat everything but in moderation


Nancy Bergmann, Ginny’s daughter, said her mother’s secret to longevity is her approach to guilt.

“For example, rather than admit a mistake, she innocently says, “I don’t know what happened; IT did it!” To this day, I haven’t figured out what IT is,” Nancy Bergmann said.

A birthday party was hosted at Bergmann’s assisted living facility to commemorate her 108th birthday.
WATCH RELATED: Drive-by parade celebrates 10th birthday for a boy whose parents were told he wouldn’t make it to 2 (2020)

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