Woman Adopts Sad Pitbull From Shelter, And He’s So Grateful He Can’t Stop Hugging Her

Woman Adopts Sad Pitbull From Shelter, And He’s So Grateful He Can’t Stop Hugging Her

Shelter dogs don’t get much love from owners and it’s always sad when they have to be put down. Thankfully, the rising movement of adopting found dogs and cats is helping more and more of these shelter animals find loving families and new homes. Russ the Pitbull found home in the loving arms of Kayla Filoon, a 20-year-old student who volunteered as a dog-walker for an animal shelter in Philadelphia. Russ was taken into ACCT Philly where Filoon works and it was love at first sight. According to Filoon, she knew there was a connection between them from the moment she laid eyes on Russ. He apparently felt the same way, as seen in this photo that Filon’s friend posted on Facebook of Russ being affectionate! (h/t)

Meet Russ. I mean, who can look away from that sweet face?

For Kayla Filoon, it was love at first sight. “He came in as a stray, and he was really beat up”

He was losing fur and was very skinny, and Kayla knew the shelter would soon have to put him down. That’s when she decided to take him home and adopt!

“One night I’m sitting there on the chair, doing my homework, and he’s trying to find ways to cuddle with me”

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