Mark Wahlberg Says Religion Isn’t ‘Popular’ in Hollywood But Will Not Deny His Faith on Nationally Televised Interview

Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg has always been a unique celebrity for one big reason:

Walhberg wears Jesus on his sleeve, in a world and industry that doesn’t.
On a recent interview that was posted on Wednesday by the “Today” YouTube channel, he said, “[My faith] it’s everything, it really has, it’s afforded me so many things. God didn’t come to save the saints, He came to save the sinners.”

“We’ve all had things and issues in our lives, and we want to be better versions of ourselves, and, through focusing on my faith, it’s allowed me to do that,” Wahlberg added.

While on “Today,” he spoke about the “Pray 40-Day Lent Challenge.”
The challenge is being hosted on the “Hallow App”, which Wahlberg helped to prop up.

The superstar actor explained that he had no intention of jamming Christianity down anyone’s throat.
“I don’t want to jam it down anybody’s throat, but I do not deny my faith,” Wahlberg said. “That’s an even bigger sin. You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people.”

Wahlberg is a devout Catholic, and came onto “Today” promoting a re-cut version of his faith-based film, “Father Stu”, returning to theaters later this year.

Wahlberg starred in ‘Father Stu’ about a former boxer who becomes a Catholic priest. He plans to work on more faith-based films and has launched a film studio to support the mission.

Wahlberg hasn’t just left Hollywood’s ideals, he’s heft Hollywood completely, moving his family to Nevada for a better environment to raise his kids.

He joins a string of actors who have fled Hollywood for more savory pastures.
Wahlberg hasn’t always been on the straight and narrow. He was a gang member as a youth and arrested at the age of sixteen.

According to WLS-TV, Wahlberg said, “When I heard the jail doors close behind me I started praying right away.”
Romans 1:16 tells us that we should not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wahlberg has been redeemed, and it is great to see him use his platform for good and, much more importantly, God.

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