I Offer This Rose To My Mother In Heaven

I Offer This Rose To My Mother In Heaven













Losing a mother is a pain that cannot be described in words. It is impossible to move on from the memory of losing the woman who sacrificed happiness in her own life so that you could have a better one.













1) No matter what I do to move on from this pain, deep down inside I will always know that I’ll never get to hug my mom again. I miss you.
2) Mom, your death has caged me in pain, agony and misery. But I don’t mind suffering, at least it has set you free. I miss you.













3) The skies look beautiful every day because Heaven cannot contain the beauty that you radiate. I miss you mom.
4) Mom, your memories are my life’s only solace. I miss you.

5) D’eath thinks it can take you away from me. But it doesn’t know you will always live in my memory. I miss you.
6) All my life I kept wishing to grow older so I could finally move out and do my own thing. But now I wish I could just turn back time to be a child and hug my mom again. I miss you.

7) Mourning was just another word in the dictionary. But after your death, it has become a way of life for me. I miss you mom.
8) Your death is killing me, day after day. I miss you mom.

9) The beautiful memories of the times we’ve spent together make me smile, only until the moment when they eventually remind me that you’re no longer here. I miss you.
10) I wish could take back every pain and worry that I ever gave you. I wish that I could just undo, all the moments that made you blue. I miss you mom.

11) I cried endlessly when you died but I promise that I won’t tears mar the smiles that you’ve given me when you were alive. I miss you mom.
12) I knew you that cancer was going to take you way eventually. I just didn’t believe that eventually would ever come. I miss you.

13) The pain and regret of not making the most of every single moment we spent together is worse than the pain of your death. I miss you mom.
14) D’eath has taken you to a beautiful place called Heaven, but it has made my life a living Hell. I miss you.

15) Your death was a brutal lesson to me that life is so fickle. I wish destiny had given this lesson to me in a different way. I miss you.
16) Mom, I know you are listening from the heavens above. There’s nothing that I value more, than your love. No matter where I am or what I am doing, your memories will always keep me smiling. I miss you.

17) Your death put you to ultimate peace but it left my life entangled in a raging tornado. I miss you.
18) The world classifies you as dead but my heart classifies you as immortal. I miss you mom.

19) Your d’eath anniversary is a painful regret of how we should have celebrated every day of our lives like a glorious anniversary while you were still alive. I miss you ma.
20) Mom, your funeral is a mourning of your death, celebration of your life and acknowledgement of the end endless sacrifices you’ve made to keep us happy. We’ll miss you.

Share this with your loved ones and friends, be kind!

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