Couple adopts 3 biological brothers under 4 so they can stay together.

When you officially adopt a child, you are promising to take care of that child just like he or she was your own. Because now, he or she IS. It should always be a very special relationship between you and that child and nothing should ever push against that.

But every now and then, a couple makes a big decision to adopt more than one child, making even more of a commitment.

Back in 2018, KC and Lena Currie of Sudbury, Massachusetts, adopted a little 2-year-old boy named Joey. And the couple was thrilled to have him in their lives. Sometime earlier, KC and Lena spotted a picture of the young boy and they were told by the agency Children’s Friend that they would be a good match for him. In March of 2018, they formally adopted him. Little did they know at the time that they were far from being finished.

A short time after adopting Joey, the couple got another call from an official at the Children’s Friend agency. That official informed them that Joey had a 6-week-old brother named Noah, and he needed a family to raise him as well.

The couple, without any hesitation, said they would love to have that little boy join their family. But there was yet another brother, whose name was Logan. He was a year old and arrangements for the foster family who had planned to adopt him suddenly fell through.

It was as if none of the brothers were ever meant to be apart from the others. So, of course, KC and Lena adopted Logan as well. They took him in just a month after adopting their first child.

Says KC: “It was our gut feeling. We were going to end up saying yes because keeping the brothers together was really important to us. When they’re older and have questions, they’ll have each other to lean on and experience that ride together.”

The Curries just know it was meant to be. Veronica Listerud is the director of Adoption and Family Services at Children’s Friend, and she absolutely loves how this case turned out.×300.jpg

Says Veronica: “It’s what you want to see happen. They’re a wonderful family. They’re flexible — they really understand the kids’ needs, the importance of maintaining sibling relationships, and the long-term impact of that.”×224.jpg

Let’s face it. For most people, having three children to raise under the age of 4 would be quite a dilemma. But the Curries feel privileged to do it. And they know that keeping all the brothers together was the right thing to do.×226.jpg

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