At the age of 72, Bruce Springsteen became a grandfather for the first time to a cute little girl.

A big accomplishment that many parents look forward to is becoming grandparents! Bruce Springsteen, one of our favorite musicians, just joined the club of grandfathers.

Bruce Springsteen is well-known and adored by everybody. The singer has amassed a sizable fan base throughout the world and has created several major songs over the years.

Now that Bruce Springsteen has reached a significant milestone in his life, it goes without saying that his admirers want to enjoy it with him.

A lovely young child named Lily Harper Springsteen has a grandfather in the singer, 72. Patti Scialfa Springsteen, Bruce Springsteen’s wife, informed her followers of the news through Instagram.

Springsteen’s youngest kid, Samuel Ryan Springsteen, who is 28 years old, gives birth to Lily. Sam and his fiancée had a kid. The 28-year-old is a Jersey City fireman who keeps his personal affairs private.

Naturally, though, happy grandma Patti had to inform her followers about the birth of her first grandson.

Sam had a difficult journey before becoming a fireman. His dad spoke to the press, saying, “It was a hard path. They are absolutely thrilled for him today, was said in reference to the occasion of his swearing-in ceremony. He was extremely committed for quite a few years.×300.jpg

His other kids have equally impressive skills to boast about. His 30-year-old daughter Jessica competes in horseback riding in the Olympics and is a member of the American equestrian jumping squad. She also earned a silver medal for her nation in the competition.

Evan Springsteen, the couple’s oldest son, has continued his parents’ musical careers and is also a vocalist, though he hasn’t yet put out any of his own songs.×300.jpg

Springsteen’s grandfather is presently starting a worldwide tour. Even at his advanced age, the rock legend doesn’t slow down! There would be no doubt that Lily will be ecstatic to have such a superstar for a granddad.

What wonderful news for the Springsteen family, who may rejoice over this.×300.jpg

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