After having 10 boys in a row, this 39-year-old mom finally gives birth to a beautiful baby girl

The first U.K. mom to give birth to 10 boys in a row is finally not the only girl in her house after giving birth to her 11th child – a girl.

Alexis Brett couldn’t believe it when she was told she was pregnant with a girl.

Unable to wait until the birth Alexis and her husband David had traveled 50 miles to a clinic which could tell her the gender immediately.

“I’d been expecting to hear we were having another boy. But when I found out it was a girl, my face was a picture,” she told The Mirror newspaper.

The 39-year-old mom who lives with her 44-year-old husband David, a train driver, in the Scottish Highlands said she was “over the moon” at her new bundle of joy called Cameron.

“I was shocked, but delighted. Now she’s here with us, it’s a fantastic feeling,” she told the Mirror.

Cameron has ten brothers aged between 2 and 17 years old to look out for her.
“They’ve generally been much better behaved around her,” dad David said, “Trying to keep quiet in case they wake her up.

“They also want to help with holding and feeding her – it’s been great.”

Does 49 laundry loads a week
Alexis says she would have been happy if her 11th child had been a boy as all her boys “are special” to her.

“We’re asked a lot if we had so many children because we were hoping for that elusive girl. I can honestly answer ‘no’. Cameron wasn’t planned, but I was happy all the same,” she said.
Despite all these boys running around the house Alexis hates mess and does 49 laundry loads a week and vacuums every day.

“We’re definitely stopping now,” Alexis says. “There’ll be no more. I said that last time, but this time I absolutely mean it. I love my family as it is now.

“I’d never planned to have a large family, but now I do, I love it.”

Alexis, a part-time fitness instructor, said she’s having lots of fun buying pink things for the first time.

What do you think about having so many boys? I can’t imagine the chores that have to be done every day.

Please share to celebrate the birth of this beautiful baby girl and all the other babies that make their family’s lives complete.

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