Elon Musk Buys ABC, Cancels The View

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, has expanded his media empire with a 37.5 billion dollar bid to purchase ABC from its parent company, Walt Disney.

Although the specifics of the deal are still unknown, Disney is believed to have accepted the offer.

Recently, Disney has faced financial difficulties, largely due to consumer boycotts of its theme parks, which have been associated with woke culture and the LGBTQ community.

This led to a decrease in visitors, causing Disney to seek a financial infusion to avoid bankruptcy.
In a recent press release, Elon Musk stated his top priorities for his new company as CEO of ABC.

He expressed a desire to bring back balance to American media and combat the influence of the far left and Hollywood elite.

As a first step in this effort, he announced plans to cancel “The View” and terminate the entire cast, including Whoopi Goldberg.
He intends to replace the show with a variety show aimed at a more mainstream audience, featuring conservative figures, musicians, and commentary on media and Hollywood by conservative actors.

It remains unclear how this change will impact the various lawsuits against “The View,” although Kyle Rittenhouse has hinted at the possibility of dropping his suit against Whoopi Goldberg if he is made host of the new show.

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