Fact-Check – TRUE! – Tim Allen and Roseanne Barr Are Teaming Up For a New Sitcom

It’s true. Roseanne Barr’s return has gone so well that she’s got an offer to make a brand new sitcom with one of the best: Tim Allen.

Allen and Barr were first acquainted when they recorded their original shows on the same sound stage in New Jersey. According to Allen, Roseanne has a great creative process, fantastic snacks, and politics he can personally get behind.

Roseanne said she used to sneak onto the set of “Home Improvement” to hide behind Wilson just to “see if I could.” Producers estimate her shadow appears in no fewer than 62 episodes. Allen never reciprocated the prank, but he did send the dopey young kid to her side to steal deep fried Oreos.

“They were delicious, and she had them in stock all the time,” said Allen, “I look forward to that smell on the set again.” Roseanne swears she stopped eating them years ago but promised to fry some up for the crew once a week.

The new show will likely revolve around two single neighbors whose spouses and families left them to deal with the aftermath of their trips to Washington DC on January 6, 2021. “We want to show America that they were people,” said Allen.

The show will probably end both of their careers, but they “don’t care, as long as the truth g

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