Dad who posted 3 photos on social media is thriIIed by people’s reaction

The beauty of these images defies description in hundreds of words.













Because it enables us to record and preserve such priceless occasions as our births, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries, the invention of the camera will be cherished forever.
Consider this Belfast-based Northern Irish parent as an example.













Ciarán Shannon, Niamh’s father, was always eager to express his pride in his daughter to the world. He joined Twitter and posted three images of his gorgeous daughter at various academic stages.













In all three images, Ciarán and Niamh can be seen standing in front of their house, holding each other’s hands.

The first image is of Niamh, who attended St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School for the first time in September 1999. The second picture was taken in May 2013 on her last day of high school, and the third picture was taken in the summer of 2018 at her university graduation.

The well-known trend “How it Started” and “How’s it going?” were only introduced to him.
The subsequent events utterly caught him off guard.

His initial goal was to merely express his joy in his daughter, but he had no idea that the social media post would become quite popular.
He said that all he had done was observe the growth in the numbers. He was astonished by the positive response his photos received.

These priceless images are no longer merely on display in private homes; individuals from all over the world are now viewing them online.
Ciarán is thriIIed that Niamh chose to teach science and math after following in his footsteps.

The figures show that his daughter and him were included in over 949,000 likes and retweets!
Ciarán’s Twitter account started receiving a flood of supportive messages from the general population.

The “How It Began, How It’s Going” trend is here to stay, as seen by the fact that individuals, particularly families, are becoming more inventive in their efforts to recreate major moments from their history.

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