Donnie Wahlberg considers himself ‘blessed’ to have raised his autistic stepson as his own. Boy follows in his steps

Jenny McCarthy started out as a model, but now she is an actor and one of the most well-known people on TV. She met her first husband, John Asher, on the set of the 1999 film “Diamonds.”

Things went swiftly for the two; they married the same year and welcomed their first son, Evan, shortly after going down the aisle.

McCarthy filed for divorce in 2005, alleging irreconcilable differences, but she also detailed the events that led to her divorce in her book, “Louder than Words: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism.”

Prior to his diagnosis, physicians assumed McCarthy’s kid had epilepsy, which his mother also believed until another doctor proved Evan had autism.

The actress admitted she couldn’t believe what the doctor said, but she knew it was genuine. Even though it was heartbreaking, she was determined to do everything it took to heal her baby.

McCarthy completed her research and discovered that autism was curable, which gave her the confidence she needed to get Evan the assistance he needed. She also stated that she had no idea about her son’s health because he was still the sweet child who loved to give her hugs and kisses.

To detoxify her son’s body, she placed him on a wheat-free, dairy-free, and artificially addictive-free diet. McCarthy stated that hope, faith, and rehabilitation were the motivating reasons that kept her going on this difficult road.

While dealing with Evan’s disease, she was also struggling with her failing marriage, but when the time came for them to divorce, the former couple decided that Asher would move out while McCarthy continued to pay for her son’s medical expenses on her own.×191.png

McCarthy stated at the time that she didn’t care whether she ever married or found love again since she was focused on Evan’s rehabilitation. “The only fantasies I had were of Evan being able to say, ‘I love you, mother,” she said.

The reality star recalled Asher packing his belongings and telling their son that he would be living in another place. Evan, she stated, was unhappy and simply gazed at his father.

Donnie Wahlberg, a multi-talented musician and founding member of the legendary band New Kids on the Block, met McCarthy in 2012 and fell in love with her right away. Nevertheless, when they met again on “The Jenny McCarthy Show” a year later, the singer asked her out.

McCarthy was also instantly captivated, and the two married in 2014. On their seventh wedding anniversary in 2021, the couple chose to reaffirm their vows.

Wahlberg, who has two boys from his marriage to Kimberly Fey, Xavier Alexandra and Elijah Hendrix, which ended in 2010, was enthused about McCarthy as a mother and stepmother. He was delighted to have met a life partner with whom he could develop family traditions and yet show his children what love looks like.×300.png

While the pair struggled as single parents, Wahlberg is overjoyed for his children to see him grow from his previous relationships and become the greatest husband and father he can be. Now, the father of three will pass on his knowledge to his children, which he considers a blessing.

McCarthy confirmed her engagement to Wahlberg on the show “The View.” The actress couldn’t contain her enthusiasm and wanted everyone to know how Wahlberg proposed.

Evan was included in the rapper’s proposition. McCarthy stated that she and her husband were sitting together, appreciating how happy they were, when Evan approached her.

Then Evan handed her a piece of paper with the words “Will,” walked away, then returned with another with the words “You,” and McCarthy realized what was going on.

Evan entered the room with the last sheet of paper on which he had written: “marry.” His mother admitted that he had misspelled it, but she still thought it was cute.

Then Wahlberg walked in wearing a shirt that said “Me?” and proposed with a large yellow sapphire diamond ring. McCarthy was already in tears at this point, but what made her cry was when her child exclaimed, “I’m going to have a new daddy!” after she said yes.

That was one of the couple’s most memorable and significant moments as a blended family, followed by the wedding, in which Evan also played an important role.

On the big day, Wahlberg assisted Evan in getting ready, and the little boy was honored to lead his mother down the aisle. Evan was so pleased with his performance that he informed his mother, “I have the most important duty during the wedding.”

McCarthy and Evan have become closer since Wahlberg entered their lives. The rapper has taught his stepson many things that the actress was unable to teach.

Evan is now a mature 20-year-old, and while he has his stepfather’s love and support, his father, Asher, has also become more involved in his life. Asher stated that he was not proud of how he handled his son’s illness and that he has vowed to be a better father since then.

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