This Mom’s Reaction To Her Son Throwing Rocks At The Police Is Commendable.

This Mom’s Reaction To Her Son Throwing Rocks At The Police Is Commendable.

eing a good mom… even a great mom… doesn’t always mean sharing the love for your children with hugs and kisses. Sometimes that love is shared through discipline, and teaching your children right from wrong.

In 2015, with tensions rising on the streets of Baltimore, a young, masked man, among others, was rioting against police and throwing rocks at them.

An unidentified woman nearby witnessed the commotion, and within a minute, she was moving in on that young man fast, like a heat-seeking missile. That mask didn’t hide anything from her; she knew it was her son.

When she reached him, she tried pulling his mask off. Then, she started rapping him on the head, giving him a heavy tongue lashing. His actions toward police officers embarrassed her; but moreover, she knew he was doing wrong, that he had been taught better than that.×175-1.jpeg

Said one bystander: “Baltimore doesn’t need the National Guard … they need more parents like this one!

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